Wednesday 8 February 2017

Do not fit in !!

We all are born with different characteristics, choices, likes and dislikes. BUT, society tries to fit us in the same mould. How the people of different personalities can fit in the same mould? There are two choices for each of us: Either to fit in any mould without caring who you are OR  create your own ways, your own paths, your own style. Fitting in any mould can be easy but that is not you, you are not born for that. Fitting in any mould is a blind race which never reaches towards excellence, it is similar to living a life with guilt. Create your own mould. Be you, master the skill which makes you different.
 You are one of the beautiful creation of GOD! Dont take your life so granted! Live it! and Love it! Do not fit.

Be free!! Embrace who you are, it is necessary for you to be happy !!

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