Thursday 17 December 2020

Rebuilt it again ! Done and dusted :D

 As, all of us can not deny the fact that year 2020 has been the worst for human kind. Probably the year you want to forget but will not able to forget. No one has thought that 2020 is going to vanish each single thing from their life. Lets remind the things which all of us of has survived. Other countries have survived covid but Indians survived covid and politics….lol !

 It feels really amazed to think about the days when we used to watch TV for hours and hours just to check number of covid patients. It has developed a habit of anxiety alongwith comfort ofcourse because we were on our couch, sitting and eating.

We had anxiety but had comfort too. But it is the truth that as a human we all want comfort consciously or subconsciously. The good habit we have developed in years, were being crushed under covid era. It includes addiction to mobile phone and sleeping excessively. But this time we had excuse of bad habits or bad routines that is covid. But not any more, haha !

 Covid has really tested the patience of human brain, it has created many bad patterns, bad cycles. Have you felt stuck, or in a thought loop again and again? ofcourse yes ! who has not.

Even the most lively human being is not untouched with the cruelty of covid. Forget about the dreams, keeping yourselves mentally as fit as you were before 2020 is a task now.  As December is ending, this is the time to break the cycle of your brains and emerge with the same willpower again or even more. And congrats, we all have succeeded during this testing time.

It’s the time to rebuilt it again, and this time more firmly and consciously.

Clear the dust ! before it becomes thick. Clear the lenses before it become blurry.

                                        (Painting created by Kalpana Bisht)



The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...