Monday 6 February 2017

Just Smile

Life tends to change daily, we go through sweet as well as bitter moments. Without realizing the fact that the bad moment will pass, We de-energize ourself in the worry and keep waiting for good moment. But the remedy is; in difficult moments we should behave like a duck "Calm on the surface of water but keep paddling inside", Just stay calm, keep smiling and keep the good work in progress. Keep practicing the smile formula, soon it will become habit.

"Don’t cry if things are beyond control
Don’t frown even if life is without stroll
Don’t loose your identity;
 though circumstances are trying you to fail
Things are really destined to transform;
Same as the season changes its form !!
A bit of change, life will offer you daily
Whether it will run happy or;
 Pass by the road so prickly
Phase tend to vary, slowly or quickly.
Just smile; a soulful smile!!
It  makes the bright, the darkest of day
Radiant and powerful than million sun-ray
Reduces the pain in all possible way
Neither worry nor in hurry; mood not to spoil

Sooner or later God will repay for your toil!!

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