Friday 17 February 2017

Re-defining Courage

Every creature on earth is born with great qualities but all are not courageous. But my believe over the word courage took years to define it. Finally I got to know; courage is not the thing we are born with but its something we gain. The situations and conditions we were destined to live decide what we gain. As a result an individual possesses two type of courage; Physical and Mental, a very few have both kind simultaneously and both are unique and beautiful in their own way. The physical courage encourages an individual to take risk at the cost of own life, that made possible the launching of satellites and the mental courage keeps an individual selecting a right or wrong path and keep going on that without any deviation. When both kind of courage meet, they create wonders on earth. Accepting bad situations to turn it into a greater one, standing for your belief, despite falling down standing again and again is courage only. 

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