Tuesday 7 February 2017

Honesty : A habit

We are grown up learning "Honesty is the best policy". But as we grow, we attract towards dishonesty. Dishonesty has become a habit. We are lying every day, every hour and every minute, not only with others but also with ourselves. Lying can be the easiest shortcut for short time benefits but it is  dangerous for long term. Dishonesty complicates your life & gives you depression. You have to remember your all lies, which is not possible surely. Gradually, it degrades your personality  However, honesty with ourselves and with others gives you mental peace. It gives you honest friends because honesty attracts honesty. It gives you higher quality of trustworthy friends. It gives you less anxiety, it boosts your confidence. Although living an honest life is not easy, but as you command on it, you will learn it gives you so many better things in life, which dishonesty can never.

Use of honesty for a positive purpose is irreplaceable !!

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