Saturday 4 February 2017

Public criticism

Each one of us faces criticism in their life. No one can escape from that. Some criticism are really genuine but some criticism are just to bring you down. Before reacting towards any kind of criticism we need to know the psychology behind the criticism. Some criticism which are really genuine, they helps in our growth and it is also a sign that someone has cared about you that they have used their time in criticizing you. One benefit of genuine criticism is that they give you different perspective to see the things. One should embrace this type of criticism.

On the other side, some times you receive criticism with no reason. The reasons behind this criticism are either you are doing good in your life or your opinions creates conflict in others minds. The purpose of these critics is only to bring you down so that they can feel their power on you. We  should react very smartly towards this criticism. Learn not to criticism bring you down. Learn not to spend time with criticism. Create boundaries for this type of criticism. 

There are both positive and negative side of a criticism. React wisely!

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