Tuesday 28 February 2017

A world beyond "ME"

You have money, you have your dream home and you have fame too, BUT you do not know how to cherish them !!.  Do you? NO! Because "Me" does not gives satisfaction. We forget that the formula of a satisfied life is in thinking about other lives on this planet. We owe them. We are too busy in increasing our bank balance. I have seen many species around me, most of them are sad and disappointed because they are fully filled with "Me". They are too busy in making their own paths. Who cares for decorating the paths? "Somehow i want to get my work done."!! Right..!! Do you think this way and glorify this thought ? The More "Me", more dissatisfaction. Who are not filled with me, they are free, just like the wind.  Think about other life also, then you will realize that you are progressing. More you try to fill your pockets first, there are chances that you are collecting frustration, disappointment and dissatisfaction for yourselves. Because vanishing "Me" makes you free from any fear. A fearless life is worth it.!!

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Crazy trios

There are times when we feel no-one truely understands us, But an even or odd set of people who are your true reflection, and never fail to make you feel understood. Even no-one can understand you better than them. This belongs to my odd set of crazy people.

We siblings; the crazy trio
Two bully sisters and sweetheart bro
Great at fighting, greatest at shouting
And really awesome during the outing
Though we can live easily apart
As we are connected strongly by heart..!!    
True rivals but partners in crime,
Feel proud to see each other shine.
One is the chirpy bird; 
“Oh please shut up” is her punch line
She is the personality very interesting
Even reading this poem, will keep her brows raising
The little brother; is sporty at heart
Until satisfaction; keeps finishing his shot
He is the person of values and kindness
Among friends he is famous for forgiveness
The remaining one; need no introduction,
Both youngsters are; her true reflection!!

Friday 17 February 2017

Flattery: a choice

Today, I thought to write an article on flattery, why not? By the way. it is in fashion ! We all love the things which are in trend, then i have decided to write on it. This article is not about that flattery is good or bad, it is about that flattery is only a choice. We have used "flattery" word in our childhood with our friends like - "Do not not flatter me, please ! or I love the way you flatter me !! In our childhood, flattery was a choice and not more than a funny aspect. Further, in our college life, flattery was still a funny aspect and choice for us. BUT, after our college, when we become a responsible person in the society; now flattery is not a choice for us, it is mandatory for us. Some are born with flattery in their bones, some do not. Today, flattery is counted as one of the quality during our job and during our work. If, there is demand of flattery, then they must include "flattery" in our syllabus too so that it will not tough for us later. Why these double standards? More than adding it in our syllabus, they should include a column of "% of flattery" in our resume too. Because it is necessary to clear for the applicants that whether "you want work, or you want flattery"; because we can not offer both. I really wonder on those who wants flattery more than the person who offer it. The one who wants flattery they have developed a sense of insecurity and a sense of overpowering to feel their false power. This thought is not a problem for one individual only instead this thought is a problem for the society. This mentality does not have an aim of "Greatness and Excellence" in life. This mentality produces a looser who have lost themselves and now want to win outside. We can only  analyse the flaws and not to support them!!.

 When a little negativity is supported, it blooms day by day. I do not think anyone of us want it.

Re-defining Courage

Every creature on earth is born with great qualities but all are not courageous. But my believe over the word courage took years to define it. Finally I got to know; courage is not the thing we are born with but its something we gain. The situations and conditions we were destined to live decide what we gain. As a result an individual possesses two type of courage; Physical and Mental, a very few have both kind simultaneously and both are unique and beautiful in their own way. The physical courage encourages an individual to take risk at the cost of own life, that made possible the launching of satellites and the mental courage keeps an individual selecting a right or wrong path and keep going on that without any deviation. When both kind of courage meet, they create wonders on earth. Accepting bad situations to turn it into a greater one, standing for your belief, despite falling down standing again and again is courage only. 

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Be New !!!

Being a human we are always afraid of a change without realizing that change is always beautiful.  Change may be physically, emotionally or career related. Being a new born baby and as an adult this fear of a change has always been there. Actually this fear is not about the change, this fear is about changing our present state of mind. Human mind is not flexible to adopt new state of mind easily. We are grown up with a thought that we are going to live in this phase forever, instead of this we should have a thought to experience more and more in our life. Keeping this thought in our mind,  we will never oppose any change. Look back in your yesterdays which has given you beautiful today. Remember!! first day of your school, when you were going away from your mother, you cried. That was a beautiful start of a school life which you have enjoyed later but your first reaction was to cry. Similarly,  there are so many changes in your life which will turn beautifully, although we did not realize it now. Change is tough in the starting, confusing in the middle but very beautiful and satisfied in the end. Evolution of mankind resulted in us as a modern human :D :D That is also a change. Sometimes things which are not in our control turns out into beautiful ending, only we have to adopt that situation as it is!!

Change is required. Because it affects you in many levels.

1. Explores your mind: Being in the same situation, gives you nothing new. However changes explores all layers of the mind. Exploring ourselves has always been mandatory.

2. Increases limits: Changes makes you limitless, it forces you to come out from your comfortable zone, which is necessary for your polishing. It makes you a diamond.  

3. Provides opportunity: Changes provides you lots of opportunities in life. These opportunities are mandatory for your growth.

 Life  has so much to see, to feel and to experience. Why do not you try this? 

Be new!

Saturday 11 February 2017

Are you victim of Destination Addiction ?

Destination addiction is an addiction, where we live with the idea that Happiness is not here, instead in the upcoming future. We run throughout the day, even throughout the life to search that happiness which we think is not here. Destination addiction gradually becomes a habit, where we start thinking that happiness is in our next job, in our next work, in our next relation etc. But have you ever felt like, yes! this is the moment, where i am truly happy!.  No, because happiness is right here, in the present moment. Undue expectations from our upcoming future ruins everything. Look back into your life, where you thought you will be truly happy, after getting whatever you wished. Do u feel, content or happy now! obviously No! because we are not enjoying days, weeks, months and year. We all are in a hurry of our NEXT MOVE!! . It is a unstoppable cycle and we are the unsatisfied victims.

Lets start living with the idea that happiness is right here; happiness is in enjoying the present moment!!
Destination addiction is a habit which can be controlled only by looking in our inner-self and questioning to ourselves.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Do not fit in !!

We all are born with different characteristics, choices, likes and dislikes. BUT, society tries to fit us in the same mould. How the people of different personalities can fit in the same mould? There are two choices for each of us: Either to fit in any mould without caring who you are OR  create your own ways, your own paths, your own style. Fitting in any mould can be easy but that is not you, you are not born for that. Fitting in any mould is a blind race which never reaches towards excellence, it is similar to living a life with guilt. Create your own mould. Be you, master the skill which makes you different.
 You are one of the beautiful creation of GOD! Dont take your life so granted! Live it! and Love it! Do not fit.

Be free!! Embrace who you are, it is necessary for you to be happy !!

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Honesty : A habit

We are grown up learning "Honesty is the best policy". But as we grow, we attract towards dishonesty. Dishonesty has become a habit. We are lying every day, every hour and every minute, not only with others but also with ourselves. Lying can be the easiest shortcut for short time benefits but it is  dangerous for long term. Dishonesty complicates your life & gives you depression. You have to remember your all lies, which is not possible surely. Gradually, it degrades your personality  However, honesty with ourselves and with others gives you mental peace. It gives you honest friends because honesty attracts honesty. It gives you higher quality of trustworthy friends. It gives you less anxiety, it boosts your confidence. Although living an honest life is not easy, but as you command on it, you will learn it gives you so many better things in life, which dishonesty can never.

Use of honesty for a positive purpose is irreplaceable !!

Monday 6 February 2017

Just Smile

Life tends to change daily, we go through sweet as well as bitter moments. Without realizing the fact that the bad moment will pass, We de-energize ourself in the worry and keep waiting for good moment. But the remedy is; in difficult moments we should behave like a duck "Calm on the surface of water but keep paddling inside", Just stay calm, keep smiling and keep the good work in progress. Keep practicing the smile formula, soon it will become habit.

"Don’t cry if things are beyond control
Don’t frown even if life is without stroll
Don’t loose your identity;
 though circumstances are trying you to fail
Things are really destined to transform;
Same as the season changes its form !!
A bit of change, life will offer you daily
Whether it will run happy or;
 Pass by the road so prickly
Phase tend to vary, slowly or quickly.
Just smile; a soulful smile!!
It  makes the bright, the darkest of day
Radiant and powerful than million sun-ray
Reduces the pain in all possible way
Neither worry nor in hurry; mood not to spoil

Sooner or later God will repay for your toil!!

Saturday 4 February 2017

Public criticism

Each one of us faces criticism in their life. No one can escape from that. Some criticism are really genuine but some criticism are just to bring you down. Before reacting towards any kind of criticism we need to know the psychology behind the criticism. Some criticism which are really genuine, they helps in our growth and it is also a sign that someone has cared about you that they have used their time in criticizing you. One benefit of genuine criticism is that they give you different perspective to see the things. One should embrace this type of criticism.

On the other side, some times you receive criticism with no reason. The reasons behind this criticism are either you are doing good in your life or your opinions creates conflict in others minds. The purpose of these critics is only to bring you down so that they can feel their power on you. We  should react very smartly towards this criticism. Learn not to criticism bring you down. Learn not to spend time with criticism. Create boundaries for this type of criticism. 

There are both positive and negative side of a criticism. React wisely!

In the appreciation of nature: Dhuandhar falls @ Madhya Pradesh

Each of us want to escape to a place which is having nature's touch,far from the city's crowd, pollution and population. A place where we meet to ourselves truely. But rarely we appreciate those wonderful things with which we are endowed free of cost. The treasure of nature should be protected and appreciated.

"Descending down with a beautiful hue;
It was merging  in ocean blue.
Sparkling and smoky, wavy its motion;
Mellow pace melting out my emotion.
Sunny rays gleaming overall,
My appraising eyes for dhuandhar fall !!
blazing waterfall, true beauty of nature
Serene so devine, perfect moment  to capture
Plunging carefully deep into water
Drowning my troubles in prolonged shower  
Shivering  body embraced in windy blower 
Calmness dissolved all my hearts roar
Kids were screening coins in pebbles heap
I wonder!  how their lyf is amazingly cheap?
Cute toddlers are the businessman so fine;
Selling out fruits midway of riverine.
Yeah! breathtaking, as its cascading down
Simply an awesome-cheerful town."

Friday 3 February 2017

Narrow definition of success

The inspiration of writing this article came from the question asked by a parent on a social website, the question was " HOW SHOULD I MAKE MY SON PREPARING FOR IIT FROM FIRST STANDARD"?.  This question in itself arises so many questions. How we can decide the future of a child who knows nothing about this world.! Basically we want from a child to see the world as we see. Why we are not ready to let them grow naturally? Why our success definitions are so narrow? Does getting admission in a reputed college and getting a huge package makes life sufficient?. The answer is NO!!. These things can give us only financial stability. The necessity is to grow strong kids rather then the one which we want them to be. We can make strong kids only when we give them chance to choose what they want to do, no matter if they are wrong, let them fall, let them rise again. In this process you will prepare a strong kid not a robot. Prepare a kid to face all the hardships of the life rather than confining their abilities . Let them LIVE and Let them GROW. !!

Thursday 2 February 2017

An invisible hand

Human as a social creature can’t survive alone in the challenging world , we move around the world where family cannot be with us everytime, so we make a bond with same kind of creatures called friends. In the journey of life we come across two type of friends;  One who will be with you in good times as well as in bad times to relief you with their calming words within their limitations and the other who will be invisibly-silently at your back , their presence will never be seen but limitlessly they keep doing for your betterment. What else can be the presence of god that is sustaining us in an increasingly more challenging world.

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Stable is Boring

In today's society, the term stable is considered as a "mode of relax". Life is never stable and it should not be. If we wish from our life to be stable then it is a cheating with ourselves. A world full of different color, different ideas, different phases is not worth of being stable. Do you feel any excitement if there will be no problem in your daily life. The answer is No!!. Life is beautiful because it is unpredictable. The enjoyment of life is in handling unknown problems daily and in realizing that you are stronger and smarter than yesterday. Life is beautiful for those who has mastered the skill of enjoying it and skill of solving each problem with a learning attitude.No worries, if your work got delayed, you have learnt patience; No worries, if you have bunked classes, you have gathered memories; No worries, if you got cheated, you have learnt more about yourselves. Life is fair at each step only we have to master the skill of holding it. Life never makes us to cry actually we choose to cry. Life is always full of possibilities. The necessity is to change your attitude towards life, worry less and learn more! As long as there is instability in life. there are chances of growth. Life is about GROWING, being better than yesterday.

Stable is boring and no one likes boring!! 

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...