Saturday 9 December 2017

The Middle Child

In the stories of the elder child and the youngest child, lets write something for the middle child too... ☺

Not the elder, not the younger..just in between, trying to find a corner.
Half of the age, they spend in figuring out their position.

In the process of finding a corner they become different.
Not like the elder, not like the younger..just in between.

Starves for the attention and the forgotten one.
Makes them the rebellious one.

You may feel like, their stories are not conventional.
Yes, off course not, because they are unconventional.

As they are in between.
Their mind can think from any side of a question.
And they become a good observer and rational argumentator.

Elder one carries a responsible tag.
Younger one carries an innocent tag.
Middle ones are tag less.

No matter what, its good to be a middle child.
Because no one stops you, you are free.

History is the proof.
Middle child are not born to be approve.
But to make a move and to touch the roof. ❤❤❤

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Sensible hindi two liners: PART 3

ज़िन्दगी का एक फलसफा हमेशा याद रखना
जिस दिन आपको लोगों की बातों का असर होना बंद हो जाएँ.

समझिये की आप सफल हो गए हैं.

उन लोगों से खासी मोहब्बत है मुझे, जो खुद के गिरेबाँ में झाँकने से पहले.
दूसरे के गिरेबाँ की तरफ इशारा करते हैं.
अजी, हुनर चाहिए, और जिगर भी, खुद से पहले दुसरो को रखने मे.

एक दूसरे की प्रतियां बनना चाहते हैं तो बेशक बनिए.
आसान भी तो यही है .
पर याद रखिये अंत मे हासिल कुछ नहीं होगा.

   प्रतियां - xerox

Thursday 30 November 2017

Emotional Intelligence: A smart choice

Emotional intelligence is the smartest way of dealing with the situation. Emotional intelligence does not mean to have less emotions, but to have right emotion at right place. It means to have a right understanding of your emotions. 
Self awareness makes you a person with higher emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the reason behind how two people in the difficult situation react differently. Emotional intelligence develops from an understanding of your own emotions on the basis of your own mind rather than under the influence of your surroundings. 

As far as, i understand emotional intelligence, If we are surrounded with people, as everyone is of different kind and carry their own vibrations and perspectives. On a physical level, you are surrounded with them still your mind and your behaviour are not influenced by them. This mean you have self awareness, you are doing the action that you want to do,  not because it was said to you. This is self awareness and this practice of self awareness develops higher emotional intelligence.

Having emotional intelligence is a good deal. Know why?

1. Emotional intelligence makes you drama-free.
2. Emotional intelligence makes you capable of developing some interest outside your work.
3. Emotional intelligence gives you an understanding that you are never going to be perfect and you are fine with it.
4. Emotional intelligence is doing the thing which you actually think is right for you without any outer chaos.

Saturday 14 October 2017

The life time achievement

Often we meet people who are good at something but they can’t fetch best of it. Surprisingly! almost all already know what to do to improve it.  But the question is why aren't they doing it...?????  After so many days of churning i found the missing link…..“MOTIVATION” which works as a catalyst. Some have their external source while some remain motivated internally.  These days external source of motivation no doubt dominating over internal. 
The major external source is; * the desire to get more than others, *promotions, *incentives.....which leave us with the greed of more & on the other hand "fear of losing it". Unknowingly the tendency lagging us behind from the internal motivation. The source of  internal motivation comes from; *loving the work we do, *knowing how our actions can be the reason for the betterment of humanity and *not letting go the compassion & kindness from our lives no matter what…..only these things keep us internally motivated for lifetime, which results in satisfaction, gives a sense of responsibility towards the mankind and makes us stand firm towards the life time achievement. Once we start  living our life with internal motivation, no one can defeat us.

Friday 22 September 2017


She was born happy and innocent
She loved her life,
Because she had a beautiful sight
She was the chatter box of her family
Didn’t know how to behave rudely?
She was kind to everyone she met,
An ideal for humanity I bet
She nurtured her talent, dreams and emotions
Left her home for the sake of a better education
See how the social psychopaths changed her equation…!!
She was teased and randomly harassed
Every now and then she let  the nuisance surpass
She shaved the head to hide her identity among the mass
This safety trick didn’t work for her to bypass
Now she hates her life,
Because she has the fearful sight
Knows the reality of society and system’s plight
They ruined her life and broke the dreams
Her thoughts changed, her way indeed
The fake judgment, cruelty and those psychopath’s greed

Will surely extinct the daughters of eve.

Thursday 14 September 2017

The Love of a "GARDENER" and the "TRESPASSERS" ❤❤

❤❤When a flower blooms, it spreads its fragrance. Its beauty and the fragrance attracts the trespassers. This fragrance and the beauty make them feel good. They are overwhelmed by the way that flower shines and they want to owe that flower. But they have not nourished the garden. 

But the gardener has seen the flower from passing through the phases, when it was a seed, trying to bloom, when the flower attacked by the bees, when it faded and then bloomed again as a beautiful fragrant flower. Gardener has nourished the flower. 

The flower belongs to the gardener not the trespassers, because the happiness of the trespassers is in the outcome, as a perfume. But the happiness of a gardener lies in the whole process from fading to the blooming. So gardener is the true owner.

Monday 11 September 2017

Have you ever been with toxic people? Need to read this.

Hey Readers! Today i am going to share a piece of information with you. Not as a blogger but as a 

friend. Do you ever heard about toxicity, of course you have!. The sudden idea of toxicity is that it 

can lead a person towards death. Similar thing happens with the toxic people. Toxic people has 

accumulated a lots of poison inside (generated from their own insecurities and own complex issues).

The cause of their toxicity is some other topic, today lets focus on these toxic creature and their 

behaviour. I have no shame in saying that, i am writing it on the basis of my own outlook towards 

toxic people, who came across few years ago.

Look around, these toxic people come across in the form of fake well-wisher, insecure roommate

,artificial flatmates, competitive colleagues too.

The most interesting thing about being with toxic people is that you don't know, you are with 

toxic  people as long as you are there. If you feel so, time to either question them or to 

say"GOOD BYE".

Toxic people behaviour based on my own outlook and understanding:

1. Jealousy :

Toxic people are jealous and insecure inside. Toxic people see you as a threat for many reasons,

your presence intimidate them, your ideas intimidate them or one of the reason is also, if two 

people of different age group working on a same platform, it can threat the toxic people like 

"how this young one can stand with me on the same platform". May be you are considering

them as an elder one, but they may see you as only one of the competitor.

2.They are way too negative:

Toxic people have tendency of being very very negative. No matter, what, they are damn negative.

Even if you offer them a diamond, they can complain "Diamond is made up of carbon" so i don't like

it. They are hard to appreciate and keep counting the negative aspect. They constantly make you

count your flaws, constantly make you feel, like a crap. It is just because of their low self esteem.

3.They are superficial:

Toxic people have no sense of thankfulness towards the nature. These people are very superficial.

Their life roams around money and costly objects. These things are part of life but these toxic

 people are living for these goals.

4 Gossipers

They are great gossipers. You can not compete them. They are born like this. As i have mentioned in

my previous articles, majority of portion of a day they spend in creating new stories, new rumours,

new judgement too. If anyone gossip about some else in front of you, then be ready they

gossip about you too.

5. Controller

They keep shaping you in a certain shape as they want. As they consider it as a so called advice.

Saturday 9 September 2017

Sensible hindi two liners: PART 2

अचंभित से सोचते हैं हम, उन कविताओं, उन कहानियों के बारे मे ।
जो हमें  बचपन मे  सिखाई गयी ।।
 जो तब हमें ना ही समझ आयी और ना ही प्रयोग मे आयी  ।
अगर आज  सिखाई जाती वो कवितायेँ,  वो कहानियां ।।
तो आज ये हालत ना होते ।।

दूसरे के रंग रूप पर टिप्पड़ियां करते रहना और उनके चरित्र का आंकलन करते रहना ।
सूचक है आपके गिरते हुए आत्मविश्वास का ।।

 ये दुनियां ना ही अच्छी है और ना ही बुरी है ।
ये सब तो नज़रिये का खेल है ।।
 सच ना होता अगर ये ।
 तो अमीर को देखने पर गरीब  और गरीब को देखने पर अमीर क्यूँ  महसूस होता ।।

Friday 1 September 2017

21 Forever

The crispness of air was greeting the morning sun

With a feeling of blessing, a new day has begun

Neither the hot summer nor the winter run

In the middle of Autumn and Monsoon fun

You came with joy like cotton newly spun.

You were the perfect object for my experiments

A model, airhostess or the yankee women temperament

You played perfect, like an angel in disguise

Cute, charming, intelligent and wise

No matter how much we argue or live apart

Your birthday is my life’s favourite part..!!

Sunday 27 August 2017

Sensible hindi two liners: PART 1

होशियारी का कोई आलम तो देखे,
कि साफ़ दिल और साफ़ मुस्कान को बचपना कह गए.

मैं हूँ इक भटका इंसान.
वर्तमान की खुशियों को नज़रअंदाज़ करता हुआ
और भविष्य की खुशियों के पीछे भागता हुआ.

मैं= मनुष्य 

रास्ते हैं कई पर मंज़िल है एक.
जीता वही जो भटका नहीं.

नकल नहीं, सृजन करिये.

Friday 18 August 2017

It's a MAN's world

Whether accept it or not.
But, this world is only a man’s slot.
You, pretty girls out there, must have felt at-least once.
Situations might be different if you pursue “being a man” license.

The voice of a man is always more audible.
But the voice of a woman is less recognizable.
Not because of the pitch difference.
But due to the masculinity reference.

Man abandoned her, we mostly hear.
Woman abandoned him, leave us with deadly fear.
Like a scrutiny, we try to disparage.
Instead of clapping, for the courage.

It’s okay for a man to be ambitious.
But it makes a woman always suspicious.

Its okay for a man not to marry, because it makes him, feel free.
But same for the woman makes many of us disagree.

The logic behind the contradiction never found.
Because every evil starts from our own hometown.

It’s hard to agree that education can fill that gap.
Because every level is suffering with the same mishap.

For a long I refused for the fact.

But its a man’s world.
this is the abstract. !

Tuesday 15 August 2017

निश्छल "मधु मक्खी"

मृदुल भावों से निकल पड़ी देखो ये कैसी टोली ?
कहीं पराग कहीं रस लिए, करती हँसी ठिठोली 
प्राचीनतम यह मित्र हमारी, अद्वितीय सभ्यता संजोती 
छोटी पर अतुल्य कीट यह, त्याग और परिश्रम सिखाती 
नन्हें षट्कोणीय कक्षों में, सामाजिकता का पाठ पढ़ाती। 

शहद, मोम, प्रोपॉलिस, रॉयल जेली की सौगात देकर भी 
सर्वरोगहर औषधि की जननी तू ही कहलाई 
हुई  ना तुष्टि लोलुप मानुष को 
हाय ! ये कैसी विडंबना छाई 
कैसे तू निश्छल "मधु मक्खी" विलुप्तता पर  आई !

Monday 14 August 2017

Let freedom reside in our minds

Happiness comes when your heart is in peace
Soulful smile comes when the evil release
We are the citizens of free India indeed
Yet mental freedom desperately in need
Don't let humanity divide in cast and creed..!!

Gender difference is just the variation of chromosome X
I hope, more sensible will be the generation next
Population, Pollution and Poverty still our toughest threat
 Its the turn to repay motherland with our sweat
Prosperity will come soon...i bet..!!

Join the hands together my brainy Indians
Though we don't share a common religion
Let bloom India in the colors of rainbow seven
We only need to agree as ONE
Hoping for a healthy and prosperous nation...!!

Memories of "UTTARAKHAND"

Since, i am here.
But i always wish to be there.
It is land of "Uttarakhand".
The land of God (Abode of god) in itself.

I miss, the incredible beauty, the trees, the mountains, the forests and the circular paths.
And the way that “chawal” was called as a bhaat.

I miss those countless lands, where i used to jump.
Which never fail to give goose-bump.

The craze for hisalu, kafal, plum, ghughut, bedu was not less.
Similarly, The wonder for snail, bagh, scorpion grass make me feel bless.

Phool-dei, harela, panchami, uttaraini, sankranti are our festival.
For us, they are like a carnival.

Dubuk, rajod, maduwa, chachiya, churkani, jhoi, aloo ke gutke are our dish.
No-one can ever let them miss.

Bal-mithai, kunj are mouthwatering sweet.
Thats how we used to greet.

Bedu pako, tak taka tak are our party song.
Which gave us feel, so strong.

The people are simple, honest and hard working.
I have lot to say as pages are turning.

The air in itself, makes you feel divine.
May this beauty always shine.

Friday 11 August 2017

Because you are born with strength divine...!!

Sooner or later in your life
situations wouldn't let you thrive
some will say its the complexity of life
others will say life is tough to survive
You will be down, keep struggling to revive..!!

Slowly and slowly....your faith will go
you will start living in flashback show
Ready to raise your voice and brow
Loosening the friendship, developing new foe
Badly suspended in pile of woe..!!

But is a bouncy ball
"Harder you fall, the higher you bounce "

You are born with a strength divine
With a heart, vision and brain so fine
Discovering the strength is..duty of thine
It's all about unlocking the opportunity and shine
 Efforts, faith within, while patience in mind
Will keep you stronger in difficult times
Because you are born with strength divine..!!

Wednesday 9 August 2017


Here is the second part of "quotes from the diary".

1. The great excitement is in changing your own believes, change them, break them and "GROW".

2. You have no right of complaining, if you make zero effort for fixing the issue.

3. Education which makes you an explorer is beneficial.

4. Tree without training and pruning takes its useless          robust shape !
   Sameway man without inculcating the good habits is        useless robust !!

5. God does not wants us to worship him for greed, but to protect the nature he has given to us.

6. If the cost of your success is your values then it is temporary because permanent success does not fades you.

7. Strong willpower, higher achievements.

8. Fortune is the best excuse for those who do not believe in themselves.

9. If one never caught in conflicts; means never stand for anything.

10. Making the world full of technologies is secondary firstly make this world to think peacefully.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Things no one told you !

Topping the class were not necessary, memories were.
Fights were not necessary but friends were.

Competing were not necessary but supporting were.
 Bunking the class were also necessary as attending were.

Seriousness were not necessary but laughing were.
Winning trophies were not necessary but winning hearts were.

Categorizing the things were not necessary but accepting were.
Collecting the papers were not necessary but developing a wise understanding were.

Cursing the nature were not necessary but loving the nature were.
Running "day and night" were not necessary but learning "how to stay" were.

Willing to have everything were not necessary but to learn "how to make most of anything" were.

Being clever was not necessary, being wise were.
Being a taker were not necessary but being a giver were.

"What is being taught and what we discover later.
Stops us from being greater."

Thursday 27 July 2017


Every person you talk, may not be your friend.

Every person who sympathies you, may not be sympathetic for you.

Every person who guides you, may be misguides you.

Every person who claims to be your caretaker, may be your destroyer.

Every person who claims to have affection for you, may be utilizing you.

Every person who praises you, may be jealous of you.

Every hand for help, may carry hidden intentions for you.

Every person who is sweetest to you, may be bitterest for you.

Every person who is your secret keeper, may be your secret revealer.

     What seems to be or what supposed to be, is not always true.


Everything which shines is not gold.


That is not true, which is always being told.

Tuesday 25 July 2017


1."Few have their lockers filled but have no purpose; Few have their lockers empty but have a purpose" !

2. Stay tuned, Stay happy, discover the unexpected unseen happiness from life until- we are Alive. !!

3. Accepting bad situations to turn them into greater one, standing for your belief, despite falling down standing again and again is courage.

4. Firstly they laugh at you, then they judge you and then they copy you.

5. Life has so much to see, to feel and to experience, why do not you try this. Be new !

6. No matter how much you fantasize throughout the day..its your work and values you maintained is going to shape your life.

7. Focus on wisdom rather than monetization. 

8. Vanishing "Me" makes you free from all fears.

9. Most attractive people are not the one who never failed or who never struggled but who has failed and gone through the struggle but came out as a diamond.

10. Goodness does not need to be good only, it need to be strong to fight with the immorality.

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...