Sunday 27 August 2017

Sensible hindi two liners: PART 1

होशियारी का कोई आलम तो देखे,
कि साफ़ दिल और साफ़ मुस्कान को बचपना कह गए.

मैं हूँ इक भटका इंसान.
वर्तमान की खुशियों को नज़रअंदाज़ करता हुआ
और भविष्य की खुशियों के पीछे भागता हुआ.

मैं= मनुष्य 

रास्ते हैं कई पर मंज़िल है एक.
जीता वही जो भटका नहीं.

नकल नहीं, सृजन करिये.

Friday 18 August 2017

It's a MAN's world

Whether accept it or not.
But, this world is only a man’s slot.
You, pretty girls out there, must have felt at-least once.
Situations might be different if you pursue “being a man” license.

The voice of a man is always more audible.
But the voice of a woman is less recognizable.
Not because of the pitch difference.
But due to the masculinity reference.

Man abandoned her, we mostly hear.
Woman abandoned him, leave us with deadly fear.
Like a scrutiny, we try to disparage.
Instead of clapping, for the courage.

It’s okay for a man to be ambitious.
But it makes a woman always suspicious.

Its okay for a man not to marry, because it makes him, feel free.
But same for the woman makes many of us disagree.

The logic behind the contradiction never found.
Because every evil starts from our own hometown.

It’s hard to agree that education can fill that gap.
Because every level is suffering with the same mishap.

For a long I refused for the fact.

But its a man’s world.
this is the abstract. !

Tuesday 15 August 2017

निश्छल "मधु मक्खी"

मृदुल भावों से निकल पड़ी देखो ये कैसी टोली ?
कहीं पराग कहीं रस लिए, करती हँसी ठिठोली 
प्राचीनतम यह मित्र हमारी, अद्वितीय सभ्यता संजोती 
छोटी पर अतुल्य कीट यह, त्याग और परिश्रम सिखाती 
नन्हें षट्कोणीय कक्षों में, सामाजिकता का पाठ पढ़ाती। 

शहद, मोम, प्रोपॉलिस, रॉयल जेली की सौगात देकर भी 
सर्वरोगहर औषधि की जननी तू ही कहलाई 
हुई  ना तुष्टि लोलुप मानुष को 
हाय ! ये कैसी विडंबना छाई 
कैसे तू निश्छल "मधु मक्खी" विलुप्तता पर  आई !

Monday 14 August 2017

Let freedom reside in our minds

Happiness comes when your heart is in peace
Soulful smile comes when the evil release
We are the citizens of free India indeed
Yet mental freedom desperately in need
Don't let humanity divide in cast and creed..!!

Gender difference is just the variation of chromosome X
I hope, more sensible will be the generation next
Population, Pollution and Poverty still our toughest threat
 Its the turn to repay motherland with our sweat
Prosperity will come soon...i bet..!!

Join the hands together my brainy Indians
Though we don't share a common religion
Let bloom India in the colors of rainbow seven
We only need to agree as ONE
Hoping for a healthy and prosperous nation...!!

Memories of "UTTARAKHAND"

Since, i am here.
But i always wish to be there.
It is land of "Uttarakhand".
The land of God (Abode of god) in itself.

I miss, the incredible beauty, the trees, the mountains, the forests and the circular paths.
And the way that “chawal” was called as a bhaat.

I miss those countless lands, where i used to jump.
Which never fail to give goose-bump.

The craze for hisalu, kafal, plum, ghughut, bedu was not less.
Similarly, The wonder for snail, bagh, scorpion grass make me feel bless.

Phool-dei, harela, panchami, uttaraini, sankranti are our festival.
For us, they are like a carnival.

Dubuk, rajod, maduwa, chachiya, churkani, jhoi, aloo ke gutke are our dish.
No-one can ever let them miss.

Bal-mithai, kunj are mouthwatering sweet.
Thats how we used to greet.

Bedu pako, tak taka tak are our party song.
Which gave us feel, so strong.

The people are simple, honest and hard working.
I have lot to say as pages are turning.

The air in itself, makes you feel divine.
May this beauty always shine.

Friday 11 August 2017

Because you are born with strength divine...!!

Sooner or later in your life
situations wouldn't let you thrive
some will say its the complexity of life
others will say life is tough to survive
You will be down, keep struggling to revive..!!

Slowly and slowly....your faith will go
you will start living in flashback show
Ready to raise your voice and brow
Loosening the friendship, developing new foe
Badly suspended in pile of woe..!!

But is a bouncy ball
"Harder you fall, the higher you bounce "

You are born with a strength divine
With a heart, vision and brain so fine
Discovering the strength is..duty of thine
It's all about unlocking the opportunity and shine
 Efforts, faith within, while patience in mind
Will keep you stronger in difficult times
Because you are born with strength divine..!!

Wednesday 9 August 2017


Here is the second part of "quotes from the diary".

1. The great excitement is in changing your own believes, change them, break them and "GROW".

2. You have no right of complaining, if you make zero effort for fixing the issue.

3. Education which makes you an explorer is beneficial.

4. Tree without training and pruning takes its useless          robust shape !
   Sameway man without inculcating the good habits is        useless robust !!

5. God does not wants us to worship him for greed, but to protect the nature he has given to us.

6. If the cost of your success is your values then it is temporary because permanent success does not fades you.

7. Strong willpower, higher achievements.

8. Fortune is the best excuse for those who do not believe in themselves.

9. If one never caught in conflicts; means never stand for anything.

10. Making the world full of technologies is secondary firstly make this world to think peacefully.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Things no one told you !

Topping the class were not necessary, memories were.
Fights were not necessary but friends were.

Competing were not necessary but supporting were.
 Bunking the class were also necessary as attending were.

Seriousness were not necessary but laughing were.
Winning trophies were not necessary but winning hearts were.

Categorizing the things were not necessary but accepting were.
Collecting the papers were not necessary but developing a wise understanding were.

Cursing the nature were not necessary but loving the nature were.
Running "day and night" were not necessary but learning "how to stay" were.

Willing to have everything were not necessary but to learn "how to make most of anything" were.

Being clever was not necessary, being wise were.
Being a taker were not necessary but being a giver were.

"What is being taught and what we discover later.
Stops us from being greater."

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...