Monday 29 May 2017

The wave !

Mostly we ignore the  problems of our surrounding. Either we got used to of  it or we do not respond as long as it is not affecting us. The problems and the flaws,  about  our  own  society  we  wish that someone else will come to fix it. We complain but we do not respond.  We  do  not  want to be the leader  but  a follower. Why follower? Because we want to play safe. We appreciate people who take stand on wrong things around us but we do not want to be that. Wrong need to be answered.  A small step is a big change. You need not be muscular or huge in order to raise your voice. It is a call, a inner call. When you keep thinking about you only, you can not raise your voice to take a meaningful step but when we have an idea of thousand people in our mind that how they are getting  affected with  it or how  a wrong fertiled seed can become  a  troublesome tree,this idea gives you the power. In a team as long as you wish to play only for yourself, you will have limited mindset and energy but when you play for your team, you feel infinite energy. Take a step, no matter how small it is. 

Even a small step can create chaos in the still water (society) and it further propagate as a wave.

1. If five people are standing in a group indulging in negative talks, you prefer not to say anything. It is a small step. Is not it create chaos?

2. If crowd is following each other with out any thought. You decide to think before. It is a small step. Is not it create chaos?

3. If people find fault in each other, you tried to solve the real problem. It is a small step. Is not it create chaos?

4. If people worship money only, you did not give a damn about it. It is a small step. Is not it create chaos?

5. If people judge each other, you decided not to judge anyone. It is a small step. Is not it create chaos?

6. If people believe in talking about the problems, you have decided to find the solution. It is a small step. Is not it create chaos?

Every wave has a chaos. !

When chaos produces things changes!!

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Problem oriented mind vs Solution oriented mind

Throughout the day we met with two kind of minds. One are problem oriented minds and other are solution oriented minds. Lets see how solution oriented and problem oriented mind works.

1. Problem oriented mind:  Whenever they get caught in a problem, first of all the graph of their confidence level decreases to nearly zero. Then they do not think about the solution but about the problem. They curse to their own fate..whether something like fate exist or not. They start acting like the pittiest one. They start crying over that problem all over the world. They completely divert from their original problem, alongwith the main problem, they create 4-5 more problems due to their attitude towards the problem. They wish for comfortable zone everytime. When they are out of that zone they are clueless. This is how problem oriented mind act.  

2. Solution oriented mind: When solution oriented mind get caught in a problem, they see the opportunity to discover the undiscovered. They mainly focus on actions rather than on fate. They firmly believe that how should i act on this problem to divert the problem in my favour. Solution oriented minds search for the solutions rather than thinking is it happening with me only? They focus on learning anyhow. They know every problem of this world has a solution.

How problem oriented and solution oriented minds work for the same situation.

* Problem oriented minds: Oh, you were supposed to do this problem in this way and you should exactly get this output. How you will do this? I doubt.

Solution oriented: No problem, i did it in my own way..more of the problem i have solved by myself and remaining one i will do for sure.

*Problem oriented minds: Oh, you have wasted your time and got no output.

Solution oriented: Do not worry, i learn. Thats what i want.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

I should hate.

My friend was surprised for me "For not hating a specific community"..
I was surprised too, sometimes for her/him & sometimes for myself..
"From this contradiction reached to the conclusion"

"You and me both belong to the mothernature.
You are the part of  mothernature and I am the part of mothernature.
Mothernature never hated us back for utilizing its resources.
Mothernature never refuses for its resources."

We belong to a mother nature who has space for everyone.
If you have no complains for other belongings (food, air and water) of the mothernature.
Then that "specific community" do belong to that mothernature.
The idea is not "Do i want to hate or not"?
The reality is, it is not my right to hate the things that does not belong to me"
Everything belongs to that mothernature.

"Where you have grown up"

"Where i have grown up"

"Where we have grown up"

Saturday 6 May 2017

Those spectacles.

I - Human race

I was born pure and pious.
I was raised with Love.
I used to smile at every stranger.
I used to laugh for silliest reason.
I was free, just carefree.
I had nothing, but i had everything.



I wear spectacles, a layer to see the world through.
I am contaminated.
I feel hatred everywhere.
I frown at every stranger.
I suppress my laugh and named it maturity.
I am not carefree instead careless.
I have everything, but i have nothing.


If someday and sometime i can think for a while,
I will know..
World is same, wind is same.
Spectacles has changed.

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...