Tuesday 19 April 2022

Bring peace and harmony in life

In this fast world, bringing peace and harmony in life despite of dealing with the worldly things is an art. We struggle a lot in bringing peace. Before focusing on peace and harmony, our first step should be towards accepting the fact, despite the noise of outer world, it is possible to bring peace.

Peace starts with acceptance, acceptance of once trueselves. In not trying too hard to consume things, to win over something, to let go wherever required and to settle like mud in calm water.

What action we take, solely determines the peace in our life. We manifest them through our actions.

Which kind of words we are speaking, what we are thinking, what we are watching, the environment we are in determines peace in our life.

Human is completely indulged in consumption, this habit of consuming brings disharmony. We are not ready to restore, to nourish and we are in doubt that we are progressing. If we will not make conscious choice of choosing joy, faith, happiness over our life, human will constantly get trapped in lower emotions, jealousy, ungratefulness, mockery. And will feel more temptation to boost his ego, without knowing the fact there is a pit below all this.

And believe me if you stay longer in a shit, it will stop smelling too.

It can be your bad actions, your poor thought process, your  indulgence in lower emotions, poor working culture, dead end friendships.

Fix them, if not get over THEM.



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