Sunday 4 April 2021



  How you feel about certainty? How fulfilled it makes   you?  How definite it is? 

It makes the

        way straight. Because you know, you do not have to figure it out. Figuring out takes effort.

           So, basically when we are certain, we are relax. So definitely there is no problem in certainty..

          Now, what about the uncertainty. Nothing is certain. No straight road. No clue. 

So, how to survive uncertainty ?

Why uncertainty comes and how we can utilize it in our maximum favour ?

        In real, uncertainty is the real test of one's "strength of character" or a way to develop strength of character.

            Strength of character is the only way to deal uncertainty. In uncertainty  real you comes out. 

So this is the time to develop a better real you. Probably, more sorted one.

In uncertain time, be an observer, access everything. In the time of uncertainty. What ever

you are gonna experience, that is the real thing. That's where your power lies.

It means, when you will see certainty, you have to keep these points with you. 

Certainty does not allow you to see the side which uncertainty does.

So uncertainty has a power. It feels uncertain. But that's where the real essence lies, only if we access it properly and channelize it in a more proper way.

"Its a way of universe, telling you that in uncertainty, develop your strength of character

and in certainty remember your lessons you learned in uncertainty".


Saturday 23 January 2021

Families are overrated ?

In a country like India, where families are considered as an important part of your life. We as an indian are very melodramatic in terms of families. They should definitely be considered as one of the part of your life.

But they does not define you as a whole. A well family acts like a shelter but never hamper each others individual growth. But Indian families does not focus on their individual growth, they do not care about their maximum potential even. Sometimes they act like an emotional vulture. 

But as we are born, to explore every possibility of human life. We are firstly answerable to the creator not your families. People often give it as an excuses, oh ! i can not go there, my family would not allow. Well this is wonderful if you are timid in life, you will always have an excuse.

But if you are courageous enough to explore every possibility of your life. You have to overcome this melodramatic hurdle. Not because you do not care but you care more about the creator and the life given to you. That is the only way to live fully. We all are gifted with the potential to explore the possibility by your own. Nothing should bind you, you are not responsible what someone else feel. You are only answerable to your highest calling. Everything is just a bondage to keep you down in life. 

Sometimes few bad habits go from generation to generation through a family because everyone thought that they are supposed to be like this.

 Challenge is to overcome it. 

honestly feel, families are important but sometimes overrated too.

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...