Sunday 20 May 2018

Enjoy Sunday with these question series- 2

1. How do deal with criticism?
Answer:  Don't deal with it. Simple !

2. As on Sunday, do you want to say something genuine for all of the old friends people have? and on what basis you are saying it?

Answer: Yes, Love to ! Its the beauty of old friends that they can never have bad intentions for you.
I have a gang and it has been almost 10 years. So that trust is with old friends because the seed of friendship is sown when we are really vulnerable.
 so it lasts mostly.

3. How do you see Indian media?
Answer: look i will not criticise, Indian media fully.
 sometimes they are helpful, sometimes not.

I will prefer to say.
Dont believe on the cameras all the time.
The story behind the lenses might be different.

4. With an image ..can you say? how we should be?
Answer: Yes ! like this light.

5. Extreme lines of freedom
बाँध न पाओगे तुम मुझे इन ज़ंजीरों में.
शरीर न सही, रूह उन्मुक्त होना जानती है।

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