Saturday 9 December 2017

The Middle Child

In the stories of the elder child and the youngest child, lets write something for the middle child too... ☺

Not the elder, not the younger..just in between, trying to find a corner.
Half of the age, they spend in figuring out their position.

In the process of finding a corner they become different.
Not like the elder, not like the younger..just in between.

Starves for the attention and the forgotten one.
Makes them the rebellious one.

You may feel like, their stories are not conventional.
Yes, off course not, because they are unconventional.

As they are in between.
Their mind can think from any side of a question.
And they become a good observer and rational argumentator.

Elder one carries a responsible tag.
Younger one carries an innocent tag.
Middle ones are tag less.

No matter what, its good to be a middle child.
Because no one stops you, you are free.

History is the proof.
Middle child are not born to be approve.
But to make a move and to touch the roof. ❤❤❤

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Sensible hindi two liners: PART 3

ज़िन्दगी का एक फलसफा हमेशा याद रखना
जिस दिन आपको लोगों की बातों का असर होना बंद हो जाएँ.

समझिये की आप सफल हो गए हैं.

उन लोगों से खासी मोहब्बत है मुझे, जो खुद के गिरेबाँ में झाँकने से पहले.
दूसरे के गिरेबाँ की तरफ इशारा करते हैं.
अजी, हुनर चाहिए, और जिगर भी, खुद से पहले दुसरो को रखने मे.

एक दूसरे की प्रतियां बनना चाहते हैं तो बेशक बनिए.
आसान भी तो यही है .
पर याद रखिये अंत मे हासिल कुछ नहीं होगा.

   प्रतियां - xerox

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...