Friday 30 June 2017


Once in a while, there was a boy in the town.
He had the quality of, not letting himself down.
He was smart, lovable and people pleaser.
He never wished to be called as an underachiever.
His heart beats with the dance.
But his father does not like it in the first glance.
He left his interest.
Because it was not making him, father’s dearest !

The immense reflection of his personality was his curly hair.
He used to treat them with full care.
In the school his friends call them broom.
The boy decided to groom,
If not then he will talk with whom !!

During the college, he met with a girl.
It was like his whole world swirl.
She was the dearest like her dancing.
He decided to live, like a happy ending.
The people were not enchanted with the decision.
It upraises him, with the confusion.
He found inside, that people are right.
How he can be so aside !!!

After his college, he got a job.
Where he has to face his boss, who was nearly like a snob.
The time passes doing the same work.
He never dared to perform artwork !!!!

Now it was time, he became so old.
His skin was filled with many  fold.
His life was nearly at an end.
He has the memory, for which he never bend.
The Dance, his curly hair, the girl and the wish for some artwork !!!!!

All the regrets gave him a jerk.
He wished life back as a lovely perk.
Now it seems to be impossible.
Live the life and face the obstacle !!!!!

Make some choices.
Lets not unheard your voices.
It was my purpose of writing these lines
To wish you that,may you always shine !!!!!!

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The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...