Friday 30 June 2017


Once in a while, there was a boy in the town.
He had the quality of, not letting himself down.
He was smart, lovable and people pleaser.
He never wished to be called as an underachiever.
His heart beats with the dance.
But his father does not like it in the first glance.
He left his interest.
Because it was not making him, father’s dearest !

The immense reflection of his personality was his curly hair.
He used to treat them with full care.
In the school his friends call them broom.
The boy decided to groom,
If not then he will talk with whom !!

During the college, he met with a girl.
It was like his whole world swirl.
She was the dearest like her dancing.
He decided to live, like a happy ending.
The people were not enchanted with the decision.
It upraises him, with the confusion.
He found inside, that people are right.
How he can be so aside !!!

After his college, he got a job.
Where he has to face his boss, who was nearly like a snob.
The time passes doing the same work.
He never dared to perform artwork !!!!

Now it was time, he became so old.
His skin was filled with many  fold.
His life was nearly at an end.
He has the memory, for which he never bend.
The Dance, his curly hair, the girl and the wish for some artwork !!!!!

All the regrets gave him a jerk.
He wished life back as a lovely perk.
Now it seems to be impossible.
Live the life and face the obstacle !!!!!

Make some choices.
Lets not unheard your voices.
It was my purpose of writing these lines
To wish you that,may you always shine !!!!!!

Sunday 25 June 2017

Because life is already Beautiful..!!

Often we set the big targets in our life and keep chasing  them to make our life beautiful.  In the course of blind race we mostly miss out the little things from where we are actually meant to squeeze out happiness. Surprisingly! we all are aware of the highlighted text, still a few out of us dare to believe in it. We set the boundaries around us that compels to see only 2D view, forgetting the beauty of 3D. Chasing the big targets surely fetch you out a good bucks but the monetary value of the precious “little things”  can’t be estimated. So, here is a to do list for a beautiful 3D view of life:
          ©  Take stand for self care
          © Few bunks are permissible
          © Spend a little part of your day on the activity you love
          © Keep travelling to celebrate your own wellness
          ©Feel new experiences
          ©Meet your family frequently
          ©See your life in small parts not as a whole
          ©Do few sacrifices for your loved ones
          ©Show kindness

          ©Always wear the wings of freedom……..and happiness will tickle your heart

Monday 19 June 2017

❤❤ 7 Things which can make an interesting life ❤❤

      1. If we dont believe in stereotype in any area of life and start loving everything and start seeing possibilities in everything.

    2. Talks on intellectual things, some facts about science or life, and discarding things such as mocking on someone, befooling and manipulating someone.

      3. Sometimes, keep quiet, even if you understand it. Show you are stupid. It is fun :p

      4.   Nurture your virtue of sensitivity and use it where required.

     5.  Always try to improve yourself, and learn to keep peace in your inner                environment,      no matter what is outside.

       6. Prefer  strong, positive and humble people around you, keep distance from the one who complains and whine all the time. Habits are contagious.

      7.The most interesting thing, not to forget to fall in love with the blue sky, squirrel, birds at your window, a dog who follows you during morning walk J, a branch of a tree which comes in your way on the road side, a child who smiles towards you with no reason. 
      ❤❤  If you have any, tell us in comment !! ❤❤

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Achievement is when ? knowledge turns into wisdom

* After pushing a lot i came to know, how a 21 year old thinks about our system !

From the nursery to the higher education our preference has been bookish knowledge, not to its application in real life. Though knowledge is the base of the wisdom BUT until and unless that knowledge does not profit us in the form of wisdom, it is useless. We do not focus on its application in our life. Once we start thinking we may end in a successful journey.

And more importantly an interesting journey. !

Since the birth of a child, parents confine abilities of their children and they try to judge their abilities on the same scale on which they were judged in their childhood. But every child has his own quality. So, rather forcing them into a different direction, firstly judge their skills and interests on their level. Thus they can turn their skills as their professions and that will turn into a future of their own interest. Once they start their interest as their profession they can take it into the next level and here the

knowledge turns into wisdom.

 But on the other side, once the child has been pushed into some different direction, their knowledge can be increased up to many level but it can not turn into wisdom. That knowledge limits up to the book. 

Real wisdom comes from our own interest.

For example: If an engineer cannot deal with their gadgets even after having knowledge about it but on the other side a layman can deal with it, with out any deep knowledge about it. Then the question arises what was the benefit of such knowledge.


Similarly, If we look towards the research field, what is happening there? Merely anyone is really interested in acquiring the wisdom through the research knowledge. Mostly are building stock of certificates and awards without acquiring any wisdom.

It is misunderstanding of our own abilities, we are not following the path where we really want to go. Once, you have pulled your interest down then your knowledge can not be pushed into wisdom.

Because, i believe Every person has his own world of idea and that world is really extraordinary.

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...