Wednesday 19 April 2017

Purpose makes a difference !

Each of us as an individual face particular type of problems during their journey. Nature of difficulties are different for everyone BUT no one has frictionless path. Each of us has different vision and different expectations from their life, so that the nature of problems changes accordingly. After a certain point when we overcome those difficulties or get command over them, Isn't it our responsibility to make our journey useful? We know those paths and the hurdles better than our succeeder. Our journey is successful if it is useful for others. Obviously our succeeder are new and knows nothing about the journey. We can leave our footprints behind only when we are transferring our knowledge to our succeeder without any self motive.  Journey which compels us to enjoy the scenario that where our succeeder falls is not a journey, it is something done to satisfy our own ego. It is not surprising because we have been grown in this way..Hey! look, He/She is your competitor. It has been rooted deep inside our mind and we act accordingly. We do not think about our contribution in a certain area, we think "How can i update "MY" biodata more and more so that i can leave others behind". Thats the difference of a purpose because everyone has different purpose on this earth. Some wants to correct the flaws and want to leave footprints, some wants to get their own stuff to be done only !

"Few have their lockers filled but have no purpose; Few have their lockers empty but have a purpose" !

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Silence versus Sound

We all are raised hearing the fact “Stay Calm Stay Silent”….true! For being a successful person one need to silently focus on the deeds they do..Eventually in the race of being successful we often forget to meet with other-side of us., which is to tune the heart in the rhythm of most happy chapter of life “THE SPEECH, THE SOUND”. In the era of technology, the mobile phones too have Ringing and Silent mode, birds are still chirpy; the little baby cries and laugh loud, our heart too sounds rhythmically…NOW IMAGINE.... the smart phone with all mute mode, the morning WITHOUT the melody of birds, the silent baby, the silent heart..everything seems without a life; DEAD. If we, human beings are living creature, born with functional vocal-cord…Why we forget to meet our best side?? I am not denying the fact that Silence is good where words are really not sufficient to express our emotions..But speech is excellent which makes the world a better place to live.

Stay Tuned, Stay Happy, 
      Discover the unexpected-unseen happiness from life until-we are Alive!!

Monday 10 April 2017


Friends are.......:)

Hope in the doubts.. :)

Power among weaknesses... :)

security guard of your vulnerabilities & also know how to use them :D..:)

a combination of true hearts in one strand....:D :D

The one who make you feel superior whether you are or not :) :D

key of endless solution of your problems and the one who never says its your fault :p :D

source of understanding more than preaching...:)

like the river which remains there forever..however clouds come and go..But their loyalty and presence does not change..:)

They play major role in our life..we are their reflection..just like i am their reflection.. :) :D

Friends are Blessings..:) :) :)

Monday 3 April 2017

O my little bird !!

O bird ! Oh my little bird..
Whenever i wake up in the morning..!
I can feel the fluttering of your wings..!!

I can feel when you welcome me in the next morning..!!!

I can feel when you aspire me to be "free" today just like yesterday !!!!

I can feel when you fight with the poor birdy sitting next to you are saying to me " Do not forget to fight with your best friends" (#Sizzling nine :D this is for you) !!!!!

I can feel the warmth of your presence like you are saying "words are not necessary" !!!!!!

I can feel when you irritate me a lot with your noisy you are teaching me "How to stay calm even in the noise".!!!!!!!!

Yes !! little birdy i can feel when you sit on my window without my permission to aspire me, to teach me and to calm me down. :D :D

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...