Monday 20 March 2017

Set your priorities

In this 21st century when you have access of everything from small things to the big one. You have easy internet access, you have large circle of friends and luxury of every kind. You have unlimited options for everything.  So more options, more confusions !! Is not it ? But among all the options you have to set your priorities, one can not run for everything ! Learn to manage them wisely. Excess of anything leads you nowhere. If you are falling for everything, this mean you do not stand for anything..! You are which books you read, you are which quality of friends you have..are they helping in your growth or they are just occupying a large portion of your day just to waste it !! ? Think ! Select those things which improves you! Things which gives you motive in your life, which makes your vision more spiritual and motivational content, learn from the people who have achieved something great in their life! Select the best things for you! Set the priorities and improve yourself day by day..thats the way of living!!

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The Perspective of Universe

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