Friday 24 March 2017

Desire: Root cause of all the problems

Desire has been a root cause of every problem in human life. Because the chain of desire never ends. It is the load of desires which we carry with us. The load of unlimited desires..! We have linked our happiness with our desires.... ! It makes us happy when our desires get fulfilled..yes! our mind has been conditioned like this. As long as you carry certain "set of desires" as a crown over your head, you constantly suffer from a fear of loosing something...! So why to carry that load?? Very early in our life, we all have came across with a line of shrimad bhagavat geeta "karam kar fal ki chinta mat kar or Do your work without caring about the outcomes". But it took years to really understand it!!..The LOVE with outcomes or the addiction of results is a problem. Work, work and work as much as you want and enjoy it BUT do not addict with its outcome. When you got addicted with outcomes you are not free...instead you are in a constant fear..why to be a slave of anything, its not worth it..Love the journey, make it memorable. Do not fly in the air of desires, it binds your soul. Stay grounded, you will have no fear of loosing anything!

Do not feed your desires! 

Monday 20 March 2017

Set your priorities

In this 21st century when you have access of everything from small things to the big one. You have easy internet access, you have large circle of friends and luxury of every kind. You have unlimited options for everything.  So more options, more confusions !! Is not it ? But among all the options you have to set your priorities, one can not run for everything ! Learn to manage them wisely. Excess of anything leads you nowhere. If you are falling for everything, this mean you do not stand for anything..! You are which books you read, you are which quality of friends you have..are they helping in your growth or they are just occupying a large portion of your day just to waste it !! ? Think ! Select those things which improves you! Things which gives you motive in your life, which makes your vision more spiritual and motivational content, learn from the people who have achieved something great in their life! Select the best things for you! Set the priorities and improve yourself day by day..thats the way of living!!

Wednesday 8 March 2017

True Feminism

On this women's day, Do yourself a favor, understand the meaning of "Feminism". We have misunderstood feminism right before the "UN speech of Emma Watson on Feminism". When you will google meaning of feminism, it never says that"feminism means-fight for the women rights", instead it says "equality of rights", means equality of rights between men and women. Some rights are only secured for man, women wants them. Similarly, there are some rights secured for women, man wants them. That is Feminism, that is equality. It is not a fight, it is a balance. It has been expected from a women to be beautiful, polite, humble and kind. Kill the so called parameters. Today women wants praise for their bravery, for their work too. Similarly why it is expected from men to be tough, strong and independent only. They can be weak and emotional too..and why not? We all are humans by the way..! This women's day lets celebrate "FEMINISM" and say yes..i am feminist because i believe in equality..

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...