Friday 27 January 2017

Magic of Learning

The most common problem faced during our education or job is working with an unskilled creature. This unskilled creature may be you, me or anyone else. The only difference between skilled and unskilled ones; is of learning. Skilled person focuses on learning rather than in shortcuts and manipulations. However, unskilled person lacks the learning ability still they wants to achieve  higher position in the society. Unfortunately, in today's scenario many unskilled persons are reaching to a position, where they have seen others making money. It creates a problem not for them only, also for the people associated with them. Quality differences arises because the unskilled person does not want to learn as much as expected from their position, it creates a war inside their mind and spreads negativity to the people associated with them.  Now, this unskilled person is a big problem, he/she has achieved a lot for himself/herself  but it is of no use for the society. If you do not know, then learn. Learning is everything. A creature that focuses on learning always helps in development of the society. Skilled creature has clarity what he/she knows and what he/she has to learn without giving priority to their useless ego. Come out from your sophisticated narrow minds, say yes to learning. No matter who teaches you, always believe that you can learn from everywhere and from anyone. Always value the position which you have. You deserve a position only if you can justify it with your knowledge and attitude. If you are determined to learn no one can stop you. Learn as much as you can.

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