Tuesday 31 January 2017


Keeping the grudges on hold has become the tendency of 
  human being or holding the grudges has become the symbol of being human. Some people hold  grudges for comparatively longer time and even lifetime, unaware that bravely forgiving those who had hurt you  or wronged you, is therapeutic and alimental. Forgiveness gives us chance to set free ourself and diverting the flow of energy getting consumed by harboring the pathogen of resentments.           We often find the reasons for postponing the forgiveness, probably waiting for the wrong doers to repent. Yet the delay causes us to forfeit the peace of mind and happiness. Forgiveness in real sense, is rediscovering  own strengths and knowing  the unlimited capacity to understand ourselves and other people as well.

Monday 30 January 2017

Patriotism vs Humanism

Today people are confused between patriotism and humanity. These are not two different terms, infact both of them are interconnected. One comes after another one. Humanity is the first step of being patriotic. If an individual has preserved all the qualities of being human, he will be a true patriotic with no doubt. Today, many ignorant people who consider themselves as a patriotic, in real they are not even a good human. Faith-fullness towards the mankind comes with the humanity. If a human has treasured love for the  mankind, they will love their country too. It is contradictory if a human hates another human on the basis of color, cast, religion and country and says, he is a true patriot. Because who has humanity, he will have equal love for the people of their own country or any other country.
"Before being a patriot, necessity is to be a human"

Sunday 29 January 2017

Equality of Mind

Often you see people excel at a particular task or in an area. The common reply you do is; that person is gifted with talent. In reality all the human beings are endowed with an equal QUANTITY of talent. The goodness, emotions, feelings, will power, spirit of survival and unity everything is in a child. But in later stages of life a difference is created. The reason is; those who practice in a defined way to improve the QUALITY, only those people excel. Surprisingly we all have equal capabilities to improve quality in a particular area of interest. The duration of learning may vary individual to individual, because of the genetic potential barrier. But if you have addressed the path, where you can stand fighting to a longer duration to the adversity. One day, you will hear about you that, the person is gifted with talent. 

Saturday 28 January 2017

Positivity spreader

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we all have stopped appreciating the positive side of the life.  A restlessness and dissatisfaction with life has been created in our minds and behavior. We are getting attracted towards negativity because it gives satisfaction to our superego. We see negativity everywhere, can we do something?. Of course, we can!. Actually we are seeing the world through negative core of our mind. Negativity is inside our mind, we are habitual of that and conditioned like that. The day we have decided to change our negative conditioning, the world will look so beautiful. A beautiful world is the result of beautiful thoughts. We see, what we want to see!. What is inside our mind, we search outside for the same. Somewhere, a negative media is helping us in stimulating our negative side. Because they know, we  are egoistic human! and highlighting the negative side of any incident and person boosts our superego and gives a satisfaction. We are being utilized by the negative media for making money, and we are helping them. It is very important for us to understand, what is going around us. Our mind is being polluted by those people, whom we do not know even. The easiest source of spreading negativity is the social media, whatever we do on social media, related to a comment or a post or a picture, is creating a chain. Here we convey a negative thought, millions of people are filling their minds with the same negative thought.  Now! "It is our choice whether we want to contribute in the world positively OR want to be a negativity spreader". Think twice before you react on social media over a post, comment or a picture. Our little reaction can be the reason of a blast in someone else life. keep it in mind.

Friday 27 January 2017

Magic of Learning

The most common problem faced during our education or job is working with an unskilled creature. This unskilled creature may be you, me or anyone else. The only difference between skilled and unskilled ones; is of learning. Skilled person focuses on learning rather than in shortcuts and manipulations. However, unskilled person lacks the learning ability still they wants to achieve  higher position in the society. Unfortunately, in today's scenario many unskilled persons are reaching to a position, where they have seen others making money. It creates a problem not for them only, also for the people associated with them. Quality differences arises because the unskilled person does not want to learn as much as expected from their position, it creates a war inside their mind and spreads negativity to the people associated with them.  Now, this unskilled person is a big problem, he/she has achieved a lot for himself/herself  but it is of no use for the society. If you do not know, then learn. Learning is everything. A creature that focuses on learning always helps in development of the society. Skilled creature has clarity what he/she knows and what he/she has to learn without giving priority to their useless ego. Come out from your sophisticated narrow minds, say yes to learning. No matter who teaches you, always believe that you can learn from everywhere and from anyone. Always value the position which you have. You deserve a position only if you can justify it with your knowledge and attitude. If you are determined to learn no one can stop you. Learn as much as you can.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Real Joy

There is no achievement without a struggle, coming to this life took  year-round hardship of a mother. Wherever  we divert our struggle, we progress in that way only.  Knowingly or unknowingly we involve our mind in the process of thinking and somehow it gets encoded in our DNA and it reflects in our daily life. Many things we don’t often notice, it starts dominating our daily life and leads us to a wrong  path, where we stop thinking beyond the boundary of “only me”. The process of dis-balance starts and directly-indirectly it effects; with which god has endowed us.  Think for the richness of nature, nature will grow it back for the goodness of humanity.  Struggle for the happiness of humanity, it will give you a real joy. Life is as simple as that, no mystery beyond that.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Break the Chain

We all are born with some fire in our stomach. It may be fire for your goals, fire for your identity or fire for the change. Do not let the fire die. We need this fire to break old typical patterns completely. Do not afraid to be a reason of that breakage. This breakage is for good. Whenever you have chance to  break the unnecessary blind patterns. Do it!. Do not think what masses has been followed, they had followed because they lack courage for a change. Do not wait for an inspiration, instead be an inspiration for thousands of people. Because what you do today will be a reason of inspiration for many. If you get in any new problem, Do not say, why me? Instead think, if today you have solved this problem, world will have one more solved problem. Say, this problem has come to me and i will be the solver of this problem. Remember, each individual has strength to think uniquely only if they come out from the fear of not following the masses.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Economize the thoughts

Many of us grow young in the scarcity of something and raise with an unique anticipation. In the process of proofing  themselves the better successor, we often forget about the scarcity with which we were grown, forgetting the obligations toward other planetary beings who are in the scarcity. The one and only Focus on monetization rather than wisdom, the blind race is pulling us towards the major scarcity, which will not be resolved by money. I don’t agree if you say that we are not participating in global warming/climate change. Yes! Each of us do, Isn’t it the responsibililty of every young mind to think beyond their identity, to economize their thoughts so that equilibrium is set at each level of food chain.  Simply by economization of thoughts we can save the planetary community towards its future  that is radically unknown.

Monday 23 January 2017

The Building Blocks

Do you want any failure in your life? The instant answer will be “No”. Its quite expected reply from a human being; the egoistic creature . Logically if we will think, loosing teaches us those things too, which winning can not. Since childhood the minds has been seeded in a way like winning has no opposite word. But the matter of fact is; nothing but the failure was the building block of your success. The only block which led you to the door of a new world with new ideas, new thoughts, new strengths, new confidence and the unseen side of your personality which you had never met before. Whenever you fail don’t dishearten the spirit just embrace your failure, smile and say i got the building block to raise my building more stronger. Success is the other name of walking through failure, with no loss of enthusiasm.

Sunday 22 January 2017

The seed

The beautiful gift to a newly born baby is the seed, which is sown by the combined efforts of our society. Whatever you sow, the fertile mind will accept and germinate it. Later, it may blossom beautifully at its youth or may reflect into a barberic weed. The programming will be inherited to its successor .        A large number of masses does not realize about the seed factor and execute their programming (good or bad) through-out their life. A few of them have the guts to manipulate it with their will-power and turn into a evergreen tree.

Saturday 21 January 2017

The Truth

Time is the only witness of truth imprisoned. The first truth that we are already endowed by the mother-nature, she has taken the responsibility of our upbringing, still we keep debating whether nature or fostering was more important?? Just take handful of soil and a seed you will see the magic...it will turn into a big tree. The second truth is genetic potential can't be manipulated for lifelong. The third truth "Theoritical Yield Potential" is out of the reach of man. Better not to disturb the balance if we are getting "Actual Yield" without exploiting it. Creator and the Creature both are suffocating. Time will release the imprisoned truth, I believe that day will be the true independence day for mother nature.

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...