Sunday 29 October 2023

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful, 

GOD has given you WATCHERS. 

  How many people are out there who crave such attention. 

If GOD gave you problems, 

he has given you the opportunity to show what is inside of you.

If GOD gave you triggers in the form of people, 

GOD is showing you what you can improve inside.

If  GOD gave you things which you don't take interest in, 

he is showing you to find out which you take an interest in and stick with it.

Everything that is shown to you is for you, 

The Universal perspective prevails.

It is always about a bigger picture.

Thursday 19 May 2022

Big lies needs big marketing


The marketing media these days is so good that you reach to this conclusion that 

"all that glitters is not gold".

Marketing and branding may sell a false narrative. 

Higher marketing, can even make a poor 

thing look excellent even not ordinary.

Associating with higher brands and collaborating with influential people 
is the market which is usually being sold.

So, its not the only marketing we should rely on, 
the foundation matters the most.

Because Big lies needs big marketing.

We can imagine to which degree marketing fools the people and their choices.

Friday 13 May 2022

Why choose GREEN ?

No matter, how much we try to polish a pot if foundation is not strong, it will not last. In similar manner, no matter how much we work on our technologies, its not going to work, suppressing is not the solution, dealing with it is.
  1. Creating problem then finding solutions is not a smart choice now.
  2. Making eco-friendly choices, renewable choices is the only cure left in front of us . #ecofriendly #renewablesources #renubisht #future #hydrogenenergy #economy #greenenergy

Thursday 28 April 2022

A letter from all those pursuing higher education

In a society where we grow learning  that "education is everything". During our childhood society forces us towards education. We grow with a mindset that you have to have study. So that you can fit in society norms. But as we grow we loose our passion towards education. That education which has ruined our childhood has decreased its importance during adulthood. Why higher education is a taboo in our society? Why we do not give same importance to education which we have given in our childhood. Why people pursuing higher education are considered to be fool? Why getting married and having babies become a necessity not a choice. The problem everyone pursuing higher education faces is that at some point people will  force you to realize that you are wasting your time and energy, why are u studying so much? will u study throughout your life? These type of questions are faced by a person pursuing higher education. The very simple answer for all questions is that it is our choice to  explore our mind because we believe mind can grow infinitely and the education on which we have invested many years of our life, we can not throw it into waste. Thats why we choose it. Its does not mean we are wasting our energy in something which is not required; we know our social responsibilities but we believe to make ourself better first !!!

Monday 25 April 2022

Life is not a Map

      As a human, evolution is our nature. Evolution in our thought process and changes in our priorities.

              Often, in society, people claim to have a definite map of their life. After 1 year, what they are 

              gonna do. What is going to happen to their life.              

             I never came in terms of this fact. Because life is in moments. Thought changes in moment, 

            people experience, realise and evolve. That is the process. Where is the map?

            You never know, what thought may inspire you in your life and it can change rest of your life. 

            Where is the map?

            You never know, what priorities are gonna play important role in your life.

            People, who constantly live in having clarity of life, are probably the one, who are not evolving

           or not accepting the evolution or suppressing their own desires.

People are forcing life not living, fitting themselves in a box, 

which they may think is secure but in reality its illusion of all good image. Because

addressing your own desires takes effort and courage.          

  What you may wish yesterday, may be you don't want to dwell on that, tomorrow too. 

       Your thoughts changes, your inspiration changes, your driving force changes or may be you

        become exactly who you are.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Bring peace and harmony in life

In this fast world, bringing peace and harmony in life despite of dealing with the worldly things is an art. We struggle a lot in bringing peace. Before focusing on peace and harmony, our first step should be towards accepting the fact, despite the noise of outer world, it is possible to bring peace.

Peace starts with acceptance, acceptance of once trueselves. In not trying too hard to consume things, to win over something, to let go wherever required and to settle like mud in calm water.

What action we take, solely determines the peace in our life. We manifest them through our actions.

Which kind of words we are speaking, what we are thinking, what we are watching, the environment we are in determines peace in our life.

Human is completely indulged in consumption, this habit of consuming brings disharmony. We are not ready to restore, to nourish and we are in doubt that we are progressing. If we will not make conscious choice of choosing joy, faith, happiness over our life, human will constantly get trapped in lower emotions, jealousy, ungratefulness, mockery. And will feel more temptation to boost his ego, without knowing the fact there is a pit below all this.

And believe me if you stay longer in a shit, it will stop smelling too.

It can be your bad actions, your poor thought process, your  indulgence in lower emotions, poor working culture, dead end friendships.

Fix them, if not get over THEM.



Sunday 4 April 2021



  How you feel about certainty? How fulfilled it makes   you?  How definite it is? 

It makes the

        way straight. Because you know, you do not have to figure it out. Figuring out takes effort.

           So, basically when we are certain, we are relax. So definitely there is no problem in certainty..

          Now, what about the uncertainty. Nothing is certain. No straight road. No clue. 

So, how to survive uncertainty ?

Why uncertainty comes and how we can utilize it in our maximum favour ?

        In real, uncertainty is the real test of one's "strength of character" or a way to develop strength of character.

            Strength of character is the only way to deal uncertainty. In uncertainty  real you comes out. 

So this is the time to develop a better real you. Probably, more sorted one.

In uncertain time, be an observer, access everything. In the time of uncertainty. What ever

you are gonna experience, that is the real thing. That's where your power lies.

It means, when you will see certainty, you have to keep these points with you. 

Certainty does not allow you to see the side which uncertainty does.

So uncertainty has a power. It feels uncertain. But that's where the real essence lies, only if we access it properly and channelize it in a more proper way.

"Its a way of universe, telling you that in uncertainty, develop your strength of character

and in certainty remember your lessons you learned in uncertainty".


The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...