Saturday 12 October 2019

3 month experience in the nature !

This piece of writing is written at once, as most of the articles in this blog are written with in a moment (5-10 minute), when it comes from inside. I hope my message will be conveyed to the readers as it is. 

Many realisations come to your door, when you start living in the lap of nature, by nature I mean, not trimmed by the human in a certain way. Here I am talking about the nature in its real form. Nature which grows in the direction where it meant to be. Nature which is not controlled by the human.
Initially, the nature will scare you. Because we have seen the life full of technology around us. Gradually, you will become friendly with the nature. And at last you will start loving it, and then comes to the realisation part.

Often sitting inside our cabins, we get so much entangled in our problems, that it becomes our life. We start feeling that the world starts from us and end at us. When you will wander on the endless roads full of sky touching trees, the possibilities seems to be endless. You will feel, you are just a dot in this universe. It will make you feel, worrying about the things which are just a dot in the universe is so meaningless. Once you start living or seeing the life in this broader lens, a lot of burden is removed from our shoulder. We are creating the world inside the world i.e. our mind, it just takes momentarily experience to see the actual reality or our actual position in this universe.

 I will make you understand this by an example: 

When you top in your class, you feel like the world starts from you and ends at you. But what happens when you see the great people who has attained so much in life, will you compete with them ? No, you may try, but that will be a meaningless effort. You will embrace them, their greatness, you will be their devotee. You will surrender them, and you will want their grace on you. Same way, nature has been created in a certain way. You cry, you fight within. Its your own fight, but nature has not created us like this. Whatever goes according to the nature, can never fail.
Because creater knows how to paint the world. Which color suits where, but due to our less experiences in life, we forcefully try to paint our life, using our desired color. Once you start living the life from the nature's perspective. You become limitless and most importantly worriless.

Following are pictures which may justify the experience, these are original pictures without any kind of filter.

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...