Saturday 14 October 2017

The life time achievement

Often we meet people who are good at something but they can’t fetch best of it. Surprisingly! almost all already know what to do to improve it.  But the question is why aren't they doing it...?????  After so many days of churning i found the missing link…..“MOTIVATION” which works as a catalyst. Some have their external source while some remain motivated internally.  These days external source of motivation no doubt dominating over internal. 
The major external source is; * the desire to get more than others, *promotions, *incentives.....which leave us with the greed of more & on the other hand "fear of losing it". Unknowingly the tendency lagging us behind from the internal motivation. The source of  internal motivation comes from; *loving the work we do, *knowing how our actions can be the reason for the betterment of humanity and *not letting go the compassion & kindness from our lives no matter what…..only these things keep us internally motivated for lifetime, which results in satisfaction, gives a sense of responsibility towards the mankind and makes us stand firm towards the life time achievement. Once we start  living our life with internal motivation, no one can defeat us.

The Perspective of Universe

If GOD gave you haters, be grateful,  GOD has given you WATCHERS.    How many people are out there who crave such attention.  If GOD gave yo...